Internationales meeting in Colmar, 17. bis 21.2.2024
The work on the topics about Europe and the visit to the CEA
After we arrived in Colmar and played some games to get to know each other, we started with our tasks. For this we were divided into groups of four. Every group got a topic, for example new technologies, environ-ment, equality and active democracy. We could choose three different ways how we wanted to work on our topic. We could choose between creating a mind map, a stanza, a slam stanza, a drawing, a short video and a freeze photo. Our last task was to write a letter to the EU and preparing a speech about what we created.
On Tuesday and Thursday we also worked on these tasks. On Thursday afternoon we went to the CEA (Col-lectivité européenne d‘Alsace, the government of all of Alsace, which was founded in 2021) to present our work. First of all, we got a tour around the modern building with interesting facts about the building's cli-mate-friendly air-conditioning , how everything works and some other details.
Our tour finished in the conference room, where we were greeted by a member of the CEA and could ask some questions. Afterwards we presented our work to her.